2015, Here I am!

If you weren’t already aware we’re already in the last month of the first quarter of 2015 and I’m just not getting around to wishing you all a Happy New Year!  On the bright side I’m only about 15 days late based on the Chinese Lunar Calendar, Happy Year of the Lamb/Goat/Ram!  Every post I promise to get better at being consistent with the frequency of my posts and it improves for a month and falls off but this time will be different because now I have a plan…  Yes that is correct, I have a PLAN!  Mind you the details are still being worked out but it’s still a plan.  What is the plan, you ask?  Simple, I’ll create a new blog post weekly but I just need to figure out what day will work best as my weekly update….I’m leaning more towards Sunday because that’s my down day.  On to the bloggy stuff… AdvoCare / Weight Loss: If this is your first time reading my blog let me just tell you now I am an AdvoCare FANATIC, I use their products for weight loss / weight management, wellness supplementation, and work out supplementation.  So a group of friends and myself finished up a 24 Day Challenge at the end of January which was fabulous because we all put on a couple pounds over the holidays and wanted to jump start the New Year’s Resolutions – mine of course was to continue losing weight.  In all honesty my weight loss that I began in 2014 came to a roaring halt around Halloween because of stress and not adhering to my meal plan as strictly as I had but with the help of AdvoCare products and the habits I’d learned from my first 24 Day Challenge I was able to keep weight off rather than ballooning back up to the weight I’d started at.  In a nutshell I’m still a fanatic and have been able to introduce a few people to the products and they’re now almost as fanatical as I am.  In any case, I’m back on the weight loss grind and have very large goals because my friend is getting married in June and I’ve decided that I need to lose at least 20 pounds by the wedding because I want to be as fresh as I can in the tux, even if it’s grey and purple.  I might change my name to Kat for the wedding. Arthur Murray: So I’ve re-entered the world of Arthur Murray because 1) I missed seeing people other than my co-workers, 2) I’ve gotten really terrible at dancing, 3) I don’t like being bad at things that really bothers me, 4) I missed dancing regularly, and 5) Female dance instructors tend to be very attractive.  I really missed seeing the people at AM and just talking about life and desires, I truly missed the interaction with people outside of work.  I’ve been attending some of the dance parties and I really became extremely unhappy with the way that I was dancing and how indecisive I’ve been, when I first started I said that I wanted to be good and I still want to be good and feeling that awkward really bothered me.  The fact that the instructors are hella cute didn’t deter my decision to get back into dancing.  Right now I’m planning on doing a dance competition in the fall but I have a long road ahead of me to get to the level that I want to compete at. Life: So I’ve had another birthday and let’s just say that getting older isn’t as awesome as I thought it was going to be when I was a kid.  I was lucky enough to go to Florida and see the parentals and the step-parentals for Christmas which was awesome because it was in the 60s – a far cry from the 20’s back home and let’s not get started on how amazing it was to get away from the stress of everyday life.  A friend that has helped me tremendously has started her own business, Sports Mind Guru, to help athletes and professionals reach their maximum potential through sports psychology (results based on mental preparation) and I am over the moon excited for her because she’s helped me numerous times in the past and I CANNOT wait to hear about how many people she helps achieve their goals; I am SO excited for her and the future of her business in helping people achieve their goals and dreams!  Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit down at times but I’ve tried to make sure to keep my perspective right because as bad as things seem you can always find some things to be grateful for, like having the opportunity to help others achieve their goals. I’ve filled you in on all aspects of my life, you’re welcome.  Until next week, you thought I forgot, throwing it back to my dad – “Ain’t nothing to it but to do it,”  words to live by!

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